Hi, I'm Joel Nod.

I'm a software developer, welcome to my website.

I started my web development journey through my apprenticeship at the end of 2022.

Helpful tutorials and resources, like freeCodeCamp and Visual Studio Code, proved incredibly useful. FreeCodeCamp taught me basic HTML and CSS, inspiring me to continue learning and become fluent in the languages. Additionally, I began teaching myself Javascript too to increase interactivity in my websites. I'm only learning more as I start using Flask, among other Python frameworks, to enhance my web skills. For this site, I used Flask powered by PythonAnywhere, Jinja to make page creation easy and of course, HTML, CSS and Javascript to get it looking as it does.

Featured Projects

Bad UI projects

Fun little projects to push the limits of how bad UI can be

To view all the projects I've made, click or tap "All Projects" at the top of this page.

Please note that not all projects may be finished, working or have any reason to exist. These were made when I first started learning to develop for the web and that's why they suck. Let me know what you'd like to see in the future or what you like about what's currently here below. Remember that this site is simply to show what I can do so have fun while looking around.

PS: "FCC" stands for freeCodeCamp.

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